Are you ready?

to take your business to the next level?

Let’s move you from just figuring it out to leading with true confidence and pure authenticity.

Welcome to RISE, sweet friend

In 3 months you will have clarity of voice, your backend systems and structure in place, and a renewed sense of enthusiasm and empowerment within your heart-led business.

Let’s turn your business into a reflection of you!

If you are here you are likely struggling with…

  • too many creative ideas with nowhere structured for them to land

  • overwhelm with all there is to do within your business

  • brand and self-identify within your business

  • feeling stuck and like you just can’t figure out how to make your business flow with potent content AND financials

  • being a one woman show and wearing so many hats, feeling like you just can’t keep up

  • having all your eggs in one basket and are craving more expansive income streams


What’s included in RISE?

  • Our initial free call + a detailed questionnaire about you and your heart-let business (or the business you are wanting to build!)

  • 2 x 75 minute calls a month (bi-weekly) giving you time to complete tasks and meet goals (+ a recording of our calls)

  • Thematic weeks designed to overhaul and realign your heart with your business: backend structures, your mission, your unique voice, brand identity, social media audit and strategy, newsletter revamp, and so much more.

  • Access to me through email and Voxer Monday-Thursday 8-5 Pacific Standard Time

  • Building out self-care practices to help you flourish in life and business

  • You will leave with detailed action after each session creating momentum around your goals. This work has a really special way of aligning you with new opportunities, ideas, and people! I cannot wait to see what comes forward for you.

What coaching with me is

A collaborative professional relationship where together we look at various aspects of your business with a focus on tuning into your body and blending intuition with strategy. Our sessions will be action-oriented, playful, explorative, and inspiring! By exercising my training as a coach and my intuitive curiosity, I will ask you reflective questions that will help you build greater self-trust and personal agency within your business.

What coaching with me is not

I do not have the correct answers for your life. I am simply guiding you back to the wisdom within yourself and sharing with you the things I’ve learned in 10+ years of entrepreneurship. I am also not a therapist. There are therapeutic qualities woven throughout each session (embodiment practices, inner child work, shadow, etc..) but this is not therapy. Doing this work alongside your therapist work wonders!

Hi, I’m Dani!

Business Coach, Retreat Host, Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher, the list goes on…

doing only the work and the things I love

I find comfort in knowing that we write our own story and we have infinite potential to express ourselves through art and through our work in the world. This is what brought me to start working with women like you.

My businesses reflects my essence, and this has brought me deep-fulfillment in my purpose and self-defined success on every level. I make a living helping people live better lives, and I believe this is what most of us are shooting for.

I’ve been running my own businesses for the last decade and have a wide range of experience: everything from owning a brick and mortar yoga studio, to running a sell-out retreat business, to founding a successful lifestyle company selling home goods and spoon carving supplies, to building a tiny rental cabin on my retreat property with my husband Hy. I’ve done A LOT. And value evolution and changing things up!

Coached over 100 women through 1:1, Groups, + in-person and helped them to develop greater self-trust and express themselves more fully in business and in life!

Finished building this cute little cabin on my retreat property with my love and hosted people from all around the world.

Launched my first international retreat and it sold out within 48 hours. Look where we are going!

Over the last year I have…


Client Love